Is Magic During Eclipses a Good Idea?
astrology Ada Pembroke astrology Ada Pembroke

Is Magic During Eclipses a Good Idea?

One of the common pieces of advice for working moon magic is to avoid working magic during eclipses. If you don't know what you're doing, this advice is a good way to play it safe, but there is order in the cosmic chaos. If you understand exactly how the normal rules of magic are suspended and why, it is perfectly reasonable to work magic during eclipses.

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Sect in Astrology: Are You a Sun Person or a Moon Person?
astrology Ada Pembroke astrology Ada Pembroke

Sect in Astrology: Are You a Sun Person or a Moon Person?

For decades, modern astrology didn’t have very much to say to people who didn’t identify with their sun sign, but astrologers translating ancient texts in the 1990s discovered that the sun wasn’t always seen as the most important planet in the chart.

According to the Hellenistic doctrine of sect, there are times when the other planets look to the moon for leadership and guidance.

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