How Astrology Can Boost Your Full Moon Magic
The Full Moon is powerful. The tides feel it. The moon-ruled feel it. Even those who are not at all magically inclined gasp when the moon hangs heavy and full and big as a house in the sky.
Whether you call it “setting an intention” or “casting a spell,” many people try to bring positive change into their lives under the light of the Full Moon. Timing your intentions and spells with Full Moon energy empowers your spells, but doing a little bit of astrological homework can help you figure out exactly where in your life the Full Moon is optimally tuned to give your life a boost. Bringing your magic into alignment with the moon astrologically can make your rituals even more powerful.
Each Full Moon’s Energy Is Unique for You
There are 12-13 Full Moons every year, which means that is usually one Full Moon a month. Because each Full Moon happens in a different area of the sky, each Full Moon has a different energetic flavor. If you pay attention to the people around you, you may notice that people tend to feel similarly around the Full Moon. During some Full Moons the collective tends to feel especially stressed out. Other Full Moons put everyone in the mood for bonfire parties and dancing.
While the Full Moon gives everyone the same general mood, every Full Moon highlights an area of life that is unique to you. If that stressful Full Moon is highlighting career for you, you might have a particularly stressful week at work. The same Full Moon might be illuminating your friend’s relationships, making it difficult for them to avoid fighting with a partner.
The particular arrangement of the planets in your birth chart influences how each Full Moon feels. If you are especially career focused, a Full Moon that is highlighting your career might feel especially important. People who are more focused on relationships might not notice a career-related Full Moon at all.
If you take into account where the Full Moon is in your chart, you can plan your intentions to match the areas of life that are highlighted during the Full Moon. And since a different area of life is highlighted every month, you can set well-timed intentions in twelve different areas of your life over the course of a year.
And it doesn’t have to be complicated.
How to Use the Signs to Connect with the Full Moon’s Energy
You might know that the signs of the zodiac are associated with different personality traits. Did you know that the signs also describe different paths of growing toward happiness and fulfillment?
Each of the signs represents a way of being in the world. Psychologists call these ways of being “archetypes.” Aries is the sign of the Warrior archetype, and Aries finds happiness by being brave. Gemini is the sign of the Teacher archetype, and Gemini feels happiest when it is sharing what it knows.
Because everyone has all the signs in their birth charts, we all have encounters with each of the archetypes. Full Moons are times when we are especially primed to have encounters with those archetypes. Sometimes, during an Aries Full Moon, we have experiences that invite us to be brave like the Warrior. We feel like Warrior energy is flowing through our veins. Other times, we might look for encounters with the Warrior outside of us, like getting a beer with a veteran friend or watching a martial arts film.
Common Archetypes Associated With the Signs
Aries: Warrior
Taurus: Pagan
Gemini: Teacher
Cancer: Caretaker
Leo: Rockstar
Virgo: Healer
Libra: Diplomat
Scorpio: Psychologist
Sagittarius: Explorer
Capricorn: Hermit
Aquarius: Rebel
Pisces: Mystic
During the Full Moon, the universe presents us with opportunities to learn about our relationship with the archetype of the Full Moon’s sign, inviting us to release the things in our lives that are interfering with our ability to have a healthy relationship with that archetype.
Spells that have something to do with things that are interesting to the Full Moon’s archetype are most in alignment with the Full Moon’s energy. During a Warrior Full Moon, you might release your fear of asking for a raise. During a Psychologist Full Moon, you might release stories you used to protect yourself when you were small that no longer resonate for you.
How to Use Astrological Houses to Focus the Full Moon’s Energy
Each Full Moon happens in the same sign for all of us. When the Full Moon is in Aries, all of humanity is having experiences that involve the Warrior archetype. We aren’t, however, having the same experiences.
Where in our lives we are experiencing Warrior energy depends on where Aries falls in our natal charts.
In astrology, houses represent areas of your life where the planet and signs have influence. The Full Moon’s house in your chart tells you where in your life to look for encounters with the archetype of the Full Moon’s sign and where to focus your energy. Once you know the house of the Full Moon, you can use this list of correspondences to plan workings that vibe with the energy of the moment.
Areas of Life Associated With the Houses
1st House: Glamour
2nd House: Money
3rd House: Communication
4th House: Home, emotional health
5th House: Creativity, children, attracting a lover
6th House: Work, physical health, finding a mentor
7th House: Relationship harmony, attracting a partner
8th House: Mediumship, banishment
9th House: Travel, publishing, higher education, religion
10th House: Career, finding your calling
11th House: Future plans, goals
12th House: Breaking bad habits, mental health
How to Find the Sign of the Full Moon
If you follow astrology forecasts or social media accounts, you probably already know what sign the Full Moon is in. Astrologers tend to talk about it very loudly because the sign energy of the Full Moon is really powerful.
I host Mooncast, a podcast with Lauren of Tarot and Chai, that focuses just on New and Full Moons. We talk about what the energy of each Full Moon is like, and we give advice for how to best take advantage of the unique energies of that Full Moon. You can catch Mooncast on YouTube or your favorite podcasting app.
If you would like to plan your Full Moon workings ahead, Lauren and I have also teamed up to create a New and Full Moons calendar that you can import into your calendar apps. It has an event for each lunation and comes with tips and journaling prompts for every New and Full Moon.
How to Find the House of the Full Moon
The house of the Full Moon is the place where the Full Moon really gets personal. The Full Moon’s house depends on where it falls in your birth chart. If you know how to read your birth chart, look for the house that contains the sign and degree of the Full Moon.
If you don’t know how to find things in your chart and you want to learn, my ebook Listening to Star Song teaches you how to do it. (You can get the ebook for free by signing up for my newsletter, or you can get it in my shop.)
You can also use this chart to figure out where the Full Moon is for you. All you need to know is your rising sign or sun sign. (Your rising sign is preferable, but your sun sign works, too.)
Once you know the house number of the Full Moon, check the “Areas of Life Associated With the Houses” chart above to figure out where in your life the energy of the Full Moon’s sign is trying to express itself in your life.
Know the House and Sign of the Full Moon? It’s time to power up your magic!
Often things will happen serendipitously to help you figure out where to best use the energy of the Full Moon in your life, so it pays to pay attention to the things that happen to you in the days around the Full Moon, but you don’t have to wait for the universe to tell you what to do.
When the Full Moon is happening in the 4th house, you might want to cleanse or bless your home. If you are unhappy with your current living situation, casting a spell to help you find a new place to live would be well-timed under a Full Moon in the 4th house, too.
When the Full Moon is happening in the 10th house, it’s the perfect time for magic that boosts your career. You might want to cast a spell for a promotion or to attract more clients. If you are going through a time of uncertainty with your career, the Full Moon in the 10th house would be a good time to do a Tarot reading for insight into changes you need to make.
5th and 7th house Full Moons are perfect for relationship spells. 2nd house Full Moons are a good time to cast money attracting spells, and 1st house Full Moons give a big boost to glamour magic.
Ultimately, though, the Full Moon is the moon’s time to shine. Follow your heart and your intuition!
Spend 2022 learning to dance with the rhythms of the moon with the Magical Year with the Moon Bundle!
Learn how the moon’s passage through each of the signs impacts your mood with Moon Mood Journal.
Set better intentions at the New and Full Moon informed by astrology with Moon Dreams: A Guided Manifestation Journal.
Get tips, journaling prompts, and tarot card suggestions for each New and Full Moon with the digital Lunations Calendar (a collaboration with Lauren of Tarot and Chai).
Includes: 2 printable PDFs and access to the Lunation Calendar digital calendar.
Lunations Calendar is a Google Calendar. It requires a Google account and a calendar app that is compatible with Google Calendar to use.