Hello, I’m Ada!

I am a writer and astrologer from Portland, Oregon. I’m the founder of the Narrative Astrology Lab and author of The Gods of Time Are Dead.

Since 2015, I have helped hundreds of clients find meaning in the story of their lives. My astrology readings can help you connect with a deeper sense of purpose that harmonizes with the stars and makes your heart sing.

Before I was an astrologer, I was a published fiction writer and magazine editor with an MFA in creative writing. I was mentored by evolutionary astrologer Paul Richard and studied in Steven Forrest’s apprenticeship program.

Inspired by the free-will astrology of my teachers, I created narrative astrology, which is my personal blend of evolutionary astrology, a modern revision of Hellenistic techniques like sect and essential dignity, and storytelling.

What Is Narrative Astrology?

Narrative astrology is a framework for identifying the unconscious stories that you use to interpret the world around you. It can help you evaluate those stories, repair stories that have become dysfunctional, and make good stories true.

Narrative astrology helps you find the answers to questions like…

If my life was a story, what kind of story would it be?

What kind of character am I, and how can I use that knowledge to make good decisions?

Where is this adventure called life taking me?

How do I respond to challenges and conflict in a way that is authentic and satisfying?