Is Magic During Eclipses a Good Idea?
One of the common pieces of advice for working moon magic is to avoid working magic during eclipses. If you don't know what you're doing, this advice is a good way to play it safe, but there is order in the cosmic chaos. If you understand exactly how the normal rules of magic are suspended and why, it is perfectly reasonable to work magic during eclipses.

Why You Never Seem to Remember the Full Moon
If you are annoyed that the Full Moon keeps on passing you like a train that has decided to go express to the end of the line just before it gets to your station, I have some ideas that might help.

How to Power Up Your Sigil Magic with Astrological Symbols
Lately, I’ve been seeing a lot of people incorporating astrological symbols into their sigils. Those symbols have power of their own that can empower your sigils if you use them carefully.

7 Days of Self Care: Creating a Balanced Routine with Planetary Days
If you’re up on the latest self-care trends, you know that self care isn’t all bath bombs and shopping sprees. Sometimes self-care means doing things like creating a budget.
But knowing that you sometimes need to do the hard thing and Adult in the name of self-care isn’t enough to find balance.
How do you know when it’s time to get take-out and when you should put on a pot of lentils and eat your vegetables?

How to Ask Good Divination Questions
Divination is fundamentally a problem-solving tool designed to help you see clearly, anticipate problems, and be proactive about fixing them.

How Astrology Can Boost Your Full Moon Magic
Full Moons are powerful times for setting intentions and casting spells. With a little bit of astrological knowledge, you can make your workings even more powerful.

My Eyes Are A Camera
A poem and reflections on Instagram-ing as a spiritual practice. (No really!)

A Guide to Learning Astrology for Witches
Just starting out learning astrology? This guide will help you find the next step on your journey.

Dreamwork as a Spiritual Practice
My most powerful spiritual experiences have happened in my dreams and are a valuable part of my practice.

The Viking's Journey: A Spiritual Path Inspired by the Runes
Awhile back while meditating on the runes, I realized that the Elder Futhark could be read as a personal development path, much like the Fool’s Journey in the Tarot. I call it The Viking's Journey because it models the path of someone who is ruthless in the pursuit of getting their life in order and individuating.

Sun in Libra: Sustainability and the Autumn Equinox
How an autumn equinox ritual during Libra season entirely shifted my understanding of what sustainability means.

Seasons of the Moon
What would it mean to focus just on New Moons or Full Moons for a season?

Using Evocation to Power Up Your Tarot Readings
What if you could use a spell to give yourself a new perspective when reading Tarot?