7 Days of Self Care: Creating a Balanced Routine with Planetary Days
If you’re up on the latest self-care trends, you know that self care isn’t all bath bombs and shopping sprees. Self-care is about taking care of yourself. Sometimes, we need a little self-indulgence. Sometimes taking care of yourself means doing unpleasant things like creating a budget.
But knowing that you sometimes need to do the hard thing and Adult in the name of self-care isn’t enough to find balance.
How do you know when it’s time to do the hard thing, and when you should cut yourself some slack? When is it time to get take-out and when you should put on a pot of lentils and eat your vegetables?
Balance looks different for everyone. If you’re in a high-stress time of life, you might need more takeout than other people, but some of us are born into lives that just have more stress. Your moon sign can help you figure out what kind of self-care you need most of the time.
If you don’t know your moon sign—or you’re struggling to prioritize conflicting needs—working with planetary days can help.
Planetary Days for Self-care
Every day of the week is named for one of the astrological planets. Astrologers believe that the planet of the day is most active on the day it’s named for. Just like each moon sign has its own self-care style, self-care looks different for each planetary day.
In this article, I’ve created a (relatively) balanced list of self-care activities that correspond to the astrological associations with the days of the week.
Monday: Moon Day
Monday is not a day we typically associate with self-care, but Monday is associated with the moon, and the moon is all about self-care in the feel good pajamas-and-Netflix sense.
If you work a Monday-Friday job, try easing into your day slowly instead of diving into your week and doing all of the things you hate first thing. If your schedule allows you more flexibility, try to spend a few minutes in the morning connecting with your feelings. Knowing where your heart is when you start the week will help you keep up with your priorities the rest of the week.
Tuesday: Mars Day
Tuesday is associated with Mars, the god of war. If you slacked off a little too much on Monday, now is the time to get into action, but don’t just do any old thing. Mars is all about going after what you want, so Tuesday is a day to take care of yourself by going after goals that are aligned with your passions.
Wednesday: Mercury Day
Wednesday is associated with Mercury, the planet of communication and the mind. If you have been avoiding writing e-mails, this is the day to catch up. If you need to do some strategizing or brain-heavy planning, today is the day. It is also a good day for scheduling meetings or anything that requires you to be talky.
Thursday: Jupiter Day
Thursday is associated with Jupiter, the planet of abundance, generosity, faith, and joy. This is a good day to do things that can improve your circumstances and increase your joy, especially things that require you to have faith in yourself, like applying for a job or asking for a raise. To balance the scales, this is also a good day to pass along the abundance you have by being generous.
Friday: Venus Day
Friday is associated with Venus, the planet of beauty and relationships. This is a good day for setting aside some time to take care of your aesthetic needs. Do a face or hair mask. Moisturize your skin. Buy a new pair of jeans. If it makes you feel attractive, it’s a good thing to do. On the relationship side, this is a good day for scheduling dates or some quiet time with your boo.
Saturday: Saturn Day
Saturday is associated with Saturn, the planet of blocks, limits, and adulting. If your day starts with a hangover, you’re getting a quick crash course in knowing your limits. Otherwise, Saturday is a good day for getting all of the adulting that you didn’t have time for during the week out of the way. (Especially if getting those things out of the way means you can wear your pajamas all day on Monday.)
Sunday: Sun Day
Sunday is associated with the Sun. Just like the sun is the center of the solar system, Sunday is for attending to the things that your life revolves around–or that you wish your life revolved around. Or for getting out into the sun. Spent Saturday doing taxes with Saturn? It’s time to hit the beach.
Learn more about the astrology of self-care
Need personalized help with self-care? Drop me a line, and I’ll help how I can. 💌