Neptune in Aries and the 9th House: A Guide for Leo Risings
Since 2011, we have been living in a world of dreams.
Neptune in Pisces has filled our minds with visions of utopias. With Uranus, planet of innovators and revolutionaries, in earthy Taurus, most of our dreams were simple. Real, healthy food. A safe and stable home. Enough time to make art or music or quietly work on a favorite hobby. A lifestyle that is closer to nature, less busy, more agrarian, that includes animals.
We have repeatedly encountered situations that have nudged us to get clear about what we value and what we really want. The pandemic forced many employers to experiment with remote work, allowing parents to spend more time with their children, liberating unhappy city workers from urban centers of power, and forcing everyone to get back to the basics, as we struggled to find staples like eggs and bread.
With Neptune in Pisces, collectively, we’ve been getting more spiritual—as we’ve seen from the meteoric rise of astrology—and we have become impatient with the limitations of the known world.
That’s just the way the world is isn’t good enough anymore.
What is Pisces like for people with Leo ascendants?
As Leo risings, we have been having a somewhat different experience of Neptune in Pisces than everyone else. For us, the dreaming of Pisces has been happening in our 8th House of Death.
Some of us have had literal brushes with death. Our connection to the other side has revealed psychic or mediumship powers we didn’t know existed. Our ability to believe in a purely materialist world has been shaken, and we have wrestled with the question of what it means for there to be something in the human soul that survives death.
But our journey with death has been metaphorical, too. We have been given a clearer vision of what in our lives (and in society) has outlived its purpose.
In the final days of Neptune in Pisces, it is time to identify the undead we are here to banish when Neptune goes into Aries. What zombies and vampires need to be slain? What ghosts need to be gently guided toward the light?
The signs of Neptune and Pluto in your natal chart can help you figure out where your battles are.
Leo: Flattery - We are expected to bow to tyrants. This should not be.
Virgo: Martyrdom - We are expected to make real sacrifices for the comfort or convenience of others. This should not be.
Libra: Selfishness - We are expected to sacrifice our relationships with the people we love most for our individual ambitions. This should not be.
Scorpio: Generational trauma - We are expected to neglect our psychological healing and pass our wounds on to the next generation. This should not be.
Sagittarius: Fundamentalism - We are expected to pick an ideological side and make enemies of people who don’t perfectly conform to our beliefs. This should not be.
Capricorn: Corruption - We are expected to turn a blind eye to systemic oppression and the tyranny of the dead over the living. This should not be.
Aquarius: Dissociation - We are expected to lose ourselves in an algorithmically-generated nightmare, heads-down, lost in a screen, disconnected from our bodies and hearts and the people around us. This should not be.
It’s time to learn to wield your anger.
If I’ve done my job, you are feeling amped up reading the list of things we have to fight when Neptune goes into Aries. Maybe, you’re feeling a little angry. I’m sorry if that’s uncomfortable for you, but I would like you to embrace your anger and learn how to wield it.
While Neptune is in Aries, he is wearing the mask of the spiritual warrior, and we are being called to step into that role with Neptune and fight.
Fighting requires emotional energy. Anger, properly applied, is that energy. When Neptune is in Aries, learning to channel your anger with intention will be your most valuable spiritual practice.
This is an extremely sharp shift from the last fifteen years. When Neptune is in Pisces, our spiritual teachers teach peace, universal love, and understanding. When Neptune is in Aries, our spiritual teachers carry swords and teach us how to use them with the precision of surgeons.
This article is an excerpt from Leo Risings Guide to World Domination.
Leo Risings Guide to World Domination
As Neptune changes signs, what it means to be a spiritually enlightened person is changing.
Leo Risings Guide to World Domination is a companion on the road to figuring out what this moment is asking of you, written with Leo ascendant people in mind.
It gives you tools to find meaning for yourself and write your own story. And maybe, by seizing control of the narrative, you’ll even take over the world.
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