Neptune in Aries and the 9th House: A Guide for Leo Risings
Neptune in Aries is wearing the mask of the spiritual warrior.
After 14 years of training in our House of Death, Leo risings are ready to follow Neptune into war with the undead. What zombies and vampires need to be slain? What ghosts need to be gently guided toward the light?

Neptune Conjunct the North Node: The Magic of Abundance
We are presented with a paradox.
On the one hand, we live in a universe of abundance. We are loved, and we are cared for, and we have everything that we need to thrive.
At the same time, our communities are struggling. Here in the United States, we have a housing shortage and food shortage and not enough medical care. The streets are full of sick and starving people, and the prices of everyday things are rising at a staggering rate.
Somehow, both the abundance and lack are true, and we are being challenged to reconcile that fact. The solution is not to just announce, “We have abundance,” and call it a day. We need magic that can make abundance out of lack.
Like stone soup. Have you heard that old folktale?

Saturn-Neptune Conjunction: Let's Do Real Magic
Lately, when I look at the magical scene, I feel a lot of despair. Magic is everywhere, and magic is nowhere. The marketplace is full of snake oil salesmen selling bottles of greed. I am so disgusted that I spend more time than I should looking up at the sky and trying to figure out which planet is most likely to come in like a storm and sweep it all away… with Real Magic.

Wandering Stars: Alex Jones: Peddling Neptune
In this episode of the Wandering Stars Astrology Podcast, astrologers Ada Pembroke and Kyle Pierce talk about Alex Jones' natal chart and the astrology of the Sandy Hook trial.

Neptune in Capricorn: The Dream of Order
When I polled my Patreon patrons who have Neptune in Capricorn about their relationship with Neptune in Capricorn, I got a wide range of responses, but they all circled around the idea of “the dream of order.”