Neptune in Aries and the 9th House: A Guide for Leo Risings
Neptune in Aries is wearing the mask of the spiritual warrior.
After 14 years of training in our House of Death, Leo risings are ready to follow Neptune into war with the undead. What zombies and vampires need to be slain? What ghosts need to be gently guided toward the light?

Psyche in the Underworld: Asteroid Psyche Conjunct Pluto
When asteroid Psyche is conjunct Pluto, Psyche is reenacting her descent to the underworld in mythic time. As we travel with her, we face our shadows, heroes, and villains.

Mercury in Aries: A Writing Practice Without Routine
You would think a person with a Taurus sun and three Aries placements would be an expert at getting Aries and Taurus to work together. What I've learned, however, is that often I have absolutely no idea whether an Aries scheme is genius or unrealistic until I’ve fully committed to the idea.

Venus in Aries: Uncomfortable Strength
When I learned that Venus was in detriment in Aries, I was devastated.
It felt like even astrology was saying I was ugly and my gender presentation was broken.

Mercury in Aries: Living with the Mind of the Warrior
What does it mean to have the mind of a warrior?

The Challenges of Living with Aries and the Warrior Archetype
One of the difficulties of working with archetypes is that they have the tendency to get stuck in time without anyone realizing it.
The Warrior, for example, is an archetype that seems pretty easy to understand: A warrior is someone who fights, right?
But where in the modern world do you find the Warrior?

Aries in the Wild: Living in the Shadow of Civilization
There is something wild in us that never climbed down from the trees, an inner cryptid that lives by the law of tooth and claw. It is the shadow of civilization, the part of us that must be sacrificed for peace. Like all shadows, it reasserts itself in ways we don't approve of when we turn our backs and refuse to acknowledge it.