Sun Dominant People in Astrology: When Is Self-Actualization Better Than Ego Transcendence?
astrology Ada Pembroke astrology Ada Pembroke

Sun Dominant People in Astrology: When Is Self-Actualization Better Than Ego Transcendence?

There are people who are on this planet to transcend the ego. I am not one of them. 

It has taken me a lot of work to be able to write the last two sentences with that much certainty and authority.

I have always been a very spiritual person, and most spiritual traditions teach that you should transcend the flesh and the ego. I’ve always resisted these ideas at a fundamental level.

Until I discovered astrology, I thought that made me a “bad person” who needed to work against my instincts and desires, but studying my chart has helped me to understand why the language of individuation has always resonated so much more strongly for me than the language of transcendence.

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Finding Your Adventuring Party with Astrological Archetypes
astrology Ada Pembroke astrology Ada Pembroke

Finding Your Adventuring Party with Astrological Archetypes

I’ve written about the benefits of thinking of yourself as belonging to an ensemble cast or an adventuring party. An ensemble cast is made up of people who have different personalities and skills, who are going after a common goal. Their goal binds them together. Their differences make each member valuable and special because each person brings something to the group no one else has.

But how do you go about finding your adventuring party?

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Sect in Astrology: Are You a Sun Person or a Moon Person?
astrology Ada Pembroke astrology Ada Pembroke

Sect in Astrology: Are You a Sun Person or a Moon Person?

For decades, modern astrology didn’t have very much to say to people who didn’t identify with their sun sign, but astrologers translating ancient texts in the 1990s discovered that the sun wasn’t always seen as the most important planet in the chart.

According to the Hellenistic doctrine of sect, there are times when the other planets look to the moon for leadership and guidance.

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