First Uranus Sextile: Love is a Revolution

For me, the greatest shock of my first Uranus sextile at age fourteen wasn’t rebelling and running into the brick wall of authority—which did happen. It was the shock of discovering the existence of the house that contains Uranus in my chart.

In the religion I was raised in, 5th house relationships don’t exist. Love affairs are sin. Sexual relationships are supposed to begin at the altar on your wedding day when each member of the couple gets their first kiss.

At best, love affairs are seen as a prelude to marriage that all of the parties involved should feel guilty about.

At worst, they are the highway to hell.

According to the religion I was raised in, no one with any moral quality at all has a love affair.

I had every intention of meeting my religion’s moral standards, and I assumed everyone else did, too.

When I was young, my faith in the narrative that had been given to me about relationships was so strong, I couldn’t even imagine a future in which me and the first guy I kissed didn’t get married. God looked out for people who were good, and I was good, so I was destined to have a happily ever after with the first guy who kissed me.

When I was fourteen, I had an encounter with an older guy who definitely didn’t have those assumptions. He was stoned and only interested in feeling good. Like most teenagers, marriage couldn’t have possibly been further from his mind.

My dreams of happily ever after were shattered.

I don’t believe that everyone comes into our lives for a reason, but I do know that my assumptions about relationships had to be broken. I needed an encounter with someone outside my culture to show me that there are ways of doing relationships other than the one I was taught.

Uranus in Sagittarius: Brave New World

Uranus is in Sagittarius in my chart. Planets and houses in Sagittarius represent areas of your psyche or your life where you need to get out of your home culture and broaden your horizons in order to become the person you need to be. When you have planets in Sagittarius, you aren’t born with the ability to imagine the kind of life you need to have. You need to go on an adventure and travel far from home to find people who are living the kind of life you need to have.

For me, encountering the concept of love affairs was so alien, it took me years to understand what had happened to me. At the time, the loss of the future I imagined for myself was horrifically painful. Then, as soon as I could see outside of my culture’s assumptions, it was impossible for me to relate to the person I had been before. The humiliation of having believed in things I later found to be naive was worse than the initial feelings of betrayal.

In the end, my assumptions had to be shattered so that I could be capable of imagining a life that would actually make me happy.

Uranus in Aquarius: Shattering the Dominant Paradigm

During my first Uranus sextile, Uranus was in Aquarius and my 7th house directly on top of my Jupiter, Uranus’s ruler and the ruler of my 5th house.

I am a person who needs to break the rules of how relationships are done in my home culture and do things differently.

Women in the culture I was raised in don’t travel or move far from where they were born. They don’t have careers or educations. They start monogamous, heterosexual marriages as soon as possible and spend the rest of their lives having babies and walking two steps behind their husband.

I live 3000 miles from where I was born and have lived in five US states on two coasts. I am a career oriented person with a graduate degree. I don’t have children or a traditional marriage, and I can’t imagine living a happy life any other way.

I’m a rebel. I have needed to journey far—literally and figuratively—from the place I was born to become the person I am today.

Before I could rebel, I needed to know that it was possible to rebel, and I needed to have an encounter with other ways of doing relationships.

If you learned something from this post, please, consider buying me a coffee on Ko-fi or supporting my work on Patreon.

Ada Pembroke

Ada Pembroke is a consulting astrologer, founder of the Narrative Astrology Lab, and author of Leo Risings Guide to World Domination and The Gods of Time Are Dead. You can find her on Instagram @adapembroke.


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