How Transits Can Help You Write Your Own Life Story
In “Become Your Own Astrologer: Think Seasonally,” I wrote about the importance of thinking seasonally when figuring out what transits to focus on, but what does that really mean, and how do you do it?
More importantly, once you’ve prioritized transits, what do you do once you know what transits are most important?
Today, I’m going to walk through an example of a time when I had a lot of transits to contend with, and show you how I handled it:
What did I prioritize?
Why did I prioritize it?
What did I do with the information?
The Situation: Too Many Transits
On March 17th, looking at the list of transits for the day gave me instant overwhelm.
The Transit Situation for March 17th
These are the transits I was facing that day:
Moon square Saturn
Uranus square Ascendant (AC) (natal)
Venus trine Saturn (natal)
Mercury trine Pluto (natal)
Moon conjunct sun (natal)
Mars sextile Chiron
Moon square Jupiter
Moon sextile Neptune
The first thing I needed to do was eliminate as many of these as possible, so I could focus on the transits that were most important.
Step 1: Ignore Mundane Transits
Because my focus was on myself and how transits were impacting me, I was able to eliminate four transits right away just by ignoring mundane transits and focusing on personal transits.
In my planner, mundane transits are written in black, and personal transits are written in blue.
Mundane transits are like the global weather. In July in the northern hemisphere, the weather is usually hotter than than it is in December. Your town in Kentucky might be going through a cold snap, but overall, people in that area of the world are experiencing a warm season.
Astrologically, the world might be going through a mundane transit like a Uranus/Saturn square, which creates friction between rebels and authority figures overall, but you might not experience a thing if Uranus and Saturn aren’t interacting with any of the planets in your chart.
Mundane transits can be useful for telling you what season the world is in, but personal transits are more helpful. It’s like watching your local forecast instead of the Weather Channel.
When you are just thinking about yourself, you can safely ignore mundane transits that don’t involve any planets that are involved in personal, seasonal transits that you’re currently experiencing.
Eliminating mundane transits cut the list of transits I had to deal with in half, but I was still left with four transits:
Uranus square AC
Venus trine Saturn
Mercury trine Pluto
Moon conjunct Sun
Step 2: Look for Seasonal Transits Involving the Outer Planets
It is rare to have an outer planet transit be exact. This is why it’s important to know what outer planet transits you’re experiencing so you know what season you’re in. If you know that Pluto is conjunct your moon, you’ll know that when the transiting moon aspects Pluto, it is likely to trigger events in that larger seasonal transit.
On this day, however, it just so happened that an outer planet transit I was experiencing was exact: Uranus square my ascendant.
I am just moving out of a Uranus square my moon season, which was a huge transit, so I knew to pay extra attention to this transit.
Consulting the Astro-Seek Transit Calendar, I learned that this is the third pass on this transit. This transit will be exact three times, which means that the story of this transit is in the third and final act.
I looked up the previous two dates in my 5-Year Memory Book and found:
A friend had a dream about the two of us breaking out of a prison world (Uranus is the liberator),
Asteroids Bacchus and Dionysus were conjunct each other in Aries, trine my AC (Dionysus is my patron and liberates his mother and wife from the underworld in the lore),
I had an important conversation with a collaborator about being more grown-up content creators.
I had a dream about my boyfriend breaking us out of a prison world,
I started writing seriously about narrative astrology.
I put together the themes of the planets and the houses of the transit.
Themes: Liberation (Uranus), Career (Sun in the 10th house rules the AC), Me (AC).
I put them together to form questions that encompass the work of the transit.
Questions: What am I doing to liberate (Uranus) myself (AC) in my career (10th house)? How am I representing (AC) liberation (Uranus) in my career?
I liberated myself from social media sites and relationships that were making me feel stuck (I have Venus and Mars in soft aspect to the AC, Uranus in the 5th house),
I started working seriously on narrative astrology, which is all about liberating yourself from harmful narratives.
I started to show my face in avatars, pictures, and videos as a literal representation of narrative astrology (Sun rules the AC, Uranus in the 5th house),
I am working on a creating a class on Uranus that is focused on personal liberation.
Since this is the last exact aspect, I asked myself:
What work do I have left to do?
First, I celebrated the changes I’ve made already and recommit to them. With social media, especially, there are too many platforms to chain myself to a platform that is making me unhappy.
Then, I focused my work during this time on the Uranus class and dialed up the focus on personal liberation, and I started writing blog posts about narrative astrology like this one that walk people through the process of doing astrology for themselves.
Step 3: Look for Transits Involving the Profected Lord of the Year
If you don’t know what your profected lord of the year is, I talked about it in “Become Your Own Astrologer: Think Seasonally.” The technique for finding your lord of the year is very simple and worth doing.
I’m in a 12th house profection year ruled by the moon. Normally, I ignore lunar transits because they are over so quickly, but the moon/sun conjunction is triggering a seasonal transit, which means it is extra important.
The moon is conjunct the sun in my 10th house once a month, which means I have a lot of data available for understanding what this transit means for me when I look back at my 5-Year Memory Book.
These are things that happened when this transit was exact before:
I cast a spell to liberate myself from harmful training I’d gotten around career (10th house) from my parents (moon),
I made a commitment to myself to focus on healing (moon) and empowerment (sun),
I started working on the Stellar Lexicon (10th house),
I broke up with a boyfriend who wasn’t as committed to the relationship as I needed him to be (my natal moon is in the 7th house),
I wrote a story that imagined how people might live happily (moon) if Covid became a reality indefinitely,
I dreamed about living in the world of that story (moon),
My boyfriend and I had our first kiss (7th house),
I had a serious talk with my boyfriend about what we want family to look like for us in the future (moon, 7th house),
I had sit down about creating Spica, a weekend startup with my partners (7th house, 10th house),
My weekend startup started building our first app for Spica, RetroPanic (10th house).
Themes: Relationship changes (Moon in 7th house), Milestones in my weekend startup (Sun in 10th house), home and family (moon)
I will experience this transit once more after this. Once again, the focus is on wrapping things up.
Question: How do I wrap up the work that’s being done with this transit?
I noticed that my relationships and Spica showed up in these transits repeatedly in a way that looks like a story. An old relationship died, a new relationship was born, and my boyfriend and I started working on a project that has the potential to boost both of our careers.
Because of the involvement of the lord of the year, I predict this relationship and Spica will turn out to be significant, even though Spica hasn’t been my main project this year. Because of this, I committed to spending more time and energy on Spica.
Conclusion: Focus on Yourself, Prioritize Outer Planets and the Profected Lord of the Year
I’ve written a lot of words outlining the technique, but there are really only three steps to figuring out what transits to prioritize:
Focus on personal transits.
Prioritize transits involving planets that are involved in outer planet transits.
Look for transits involving the profected lord of the year.
Following this technique allowed me to take a list of six transits and focus on the most important two.
That focus made it easier to isolate the most important themes in my story at the moment and come up with concrete ways to take advantage of those transits.
That focus made it easier to come up with concrete ways to take advantage of those transits, and that’s when astrology is most helpful: When it helps you write your own life story.