Virgo: Beauty in Simple Things
Because sometimes there are beautiful things that would exist… if only someone would give them space.

Bring Out Your Ghosts: A Guide to Past Life Astrology Readings
Explore the past life astrology using John Lennon's chart and uncover the loops that keep you haunted by your inner ghosts.

What Is Narrative Astrology?
Narrative astrology uses the tools of astrology to understand the stories you tell about your life and shift your perspective.

Rethinking the 11th House
What if we thought about the 11th house less like an astrology conference and more like an adventuring party in Dungeons and Dragons?

12th House Sun: You Don’t Know How Much You Shine
12th house people tend to believe it doesn’t matter what they do. They think no one cares whether they are present or absent. They feel invisible or alone.
The truth: You don’t know how much you shine.

Leo Rising in Astrology: Wearing the Mask of the King
No one really understands what a good king is anymore, and the loss of the good King archetype creates a problem for people who have Leo ascendants.
Fortunately, there are clues to what the King should be buried like fossils in the birth chart and in ancient texts from the age of kings.

Aquarius Inside: Anything but Cold
Assuming that behavior is the same as character is a disastrous mistake when trying to understand Aquarius.

What is the midheaven (MC) in astrology?
What do people see when they look at your midheaven?

Why Is Career Astrology so Hard?
Career astrology is one of the hardest subjects to understand, but it’s not because it’s inherently difficult. It’s because career astrology was created in a world very different than ours.

A Guide to Learning Astrology for Witches
Just starting out learning astrology? This guide will help you find the next step on your journey.

A Skeptical Taurus's Path to Laziness... And Evolutionary Astrology
As an astrologer, I feel like I should cringe at the injustice when I read harsh critiques of the discipline, but I don’t. I remember what my first real encounter with astrology was like, and I marvel that I ever came to take astrology seriously at all.

The Astrological Signs Haunt Us
We don’t have the astrological signs. We channel them like mediums.

Stop Worrying About Your Saturn Return
Going through your Saturn return and not sure what it’s about? It doesn’t mean you’re doing it wrong.

Living With An Aquarius Moon
Aquarius is one of the more challenging places for the moon to be. This is my experience living with an Aquarius moon.

Write Your Own Horoscope
One of the benefits of being your own astrologer is that you can write horoscopes for yourself, tailored especially to you.

The Astrology of Pablo Neruda: A Cautionary 12th House Tale
A look at Pablo Neruda's astrological birth chart. How could a person capable of writing such beautiful poetry support violent dictators?

Seasons of the Moon
What would it mean to focus just on New Moons or Full Moons for a season?