Saturn-Neptune Conjunction: Let's Do Real Magic
Lately, when I look at the magical scene, I feel a lot of despair. Magic is everywhere, and magic is nowhere. The marketplace is full of snake oil salesmen selling bottles of greed. I am so disgusted that I spend more time than I should looking up at the sky and trying to figure out which planet is most likely to come in like a storm and sweep it all away… with Real Magic.

New Moon in Capricorn: Musing on Dark Ages
The Dark Ages are a useful myth to help us understand the New Moon in Capricorn, darkest moon in the darkest season.

Full Moon in Cancer in the 12th House: The Healing Power of Art
Every New Moon, I set intentions for where I would like to be in the next six months. My New Moon in Cancer intention gave me more than I bargained for. Now, at the Full Moon in Cancer, I finally understand the healing power of cancerian art.

Sagittarius Season: Rage Against the Dying of the Light
I stared into my light therapy lamp wondering: Why does a season ruled by Jupiter come at the darkest time of the year?

The Astrology of Turning 36: When You Really, Finally Feel Grownup
Indian astrologers say that Saturn comes of age at 36 years old. What does that look like from the inside?

Venus in the 12th House: Why It’s Time to Find Pleasure in Solitude
The day Venus moved into my 12th house was one of those high-drama days. I felt like I was made of glass. Every social interaction felt like it left a chip or a crack. Issues with my social circle that I had been coping with adequately for months boiled over all at once.
Venus is supposed to be a benefic planet, so it was surprising to experience a Venus transit that way.
One of the qualities of the benefics, however, is that they try to improve whatever they touch.

Uranus in Taurus: What Is the Price of Freedom?
How much are your values and your freedom worth to you? How much do you have to be paid to give them up?

Taurus Season: Let Me Find Peace
In his Book of Earth, Steven Forrest talks about the Taurus need to get your peace foot forward. I have been learning about that first hand during Taurus season this year.

Google in the Age of Air: The Drama of the First Uranus Square
Google recently decided to allow their employees to choose to work remotely. This is a big turn-around from Google’s position on remote work historically. The company’s birth chart and current Uranus transit might explain the logic behind the change.

12th House Profection Year: It's Time to Let Go and Start a New Life
12th house profection years are all about dissolving old identities so that you can step into new ones. Astrologers tend to focus on the ways that can be a traumatic experience, but when you have built your identity around an idea that is false and doesn’t serve you, 12th house experiences can be liberating.

5 Lessons From My 12th House Profection Year
My 12th house profection year is almost over. I feel like I have reached the top of a tall mountain, and I am surveying the terrain I’ve traveled. Since I am in a reflective mood, I thought I’d share some of the lessons I’ve learned.

Uranus in Taurus: Finding the Courage to Just Be
The digitization of human connection during the pandemic has created a situation where having Taurus-like relationships that put individual embodiment needs over the dictates of a society that rewards a strictly virtual existence can be a revolutionary act.

Progressed Virgo Ascendant: The Joy of Service
As a child, I was a bad Leo rising stereotype. Now that I’m an adult, the influence of Virgo has taught me the joy of service.

New Moon in Pisces: Can We Do This Later, Please?
Astrological transits are like ocean tides. Sometimes, you have to swim against the tide, even though it’s hard.

First Uranus Sextile: Love is a Revolution
Before I could find relationships that make me happy, I had to learn that they existed. This is the story of how that happened.

The Astrology of Hard Times: Learning to See in the Dark
Too many people travel through the underworld blind because they’re so determined to see the light, they refuse to learn to see in the dark.

Aquarius Inside: Anything but Cold
Assuming that behavior is the same as character is a disastrous mistake when trying to understand Aquarius.

Stop Worrying About Your Saturn Return
Going through your Saturn return and not sure what it’s about? It doesn’t mean you’re doing it wrong.