This Liminal Year: The Astrology of 2024
Change is coming. We don’t know exactly what this change will be, but we do know that things will be different. We will not be going back to 2019. Ever again.

Why Are Horoscopes Always Wrong? (And Why This Astrologer Writes Them Anyway)
Writing horoscopes for the collective is hard, and most of the horoscopes you read aren’t for you. But with a little skill, you can figure out how to make a good horoscope relevant to your story.

The Astrology of Turning 36: When You Really, Finally Feel Grownup
Indian astrologers say that Saturn comes of age at 36 years old. What does that look like from the inside?

Venus in the 12th House: Why It’s Time to Find Pleasure in Solitude
The day Venus moved into my 12th house was one of those high-drama days. I felt like I was made of glass. Every social interaction felt like it left a chip or a crack. Issues with my social circle that I had been coping with adequately for months boiled over all at once.
Venus is supposed to be a benefic planet, so it was surprising to experience a Venus transit that way.
One of the qualities of the benefics, however, is that they try to improve whatever they touch.

Uranus in Taurus: What Is the Price of Freedom?
How much are your values and your freedom worth to you? How much do you have to be paid to give them up?

Google in the Age of Air: The Drama of the First Uranus Square
Google recently decided to allow their employees to choose to work remotely. This is a big turn-around from Google’s position on remote work historically. The company’s birth chart and current Uranus transit might explain the logic behind the change.

Uranus in Taurus: Finding the Courage to Just Be
The digitization of human connection during the pandemic has created a situation where having Taurus-like relationships that put individual embodiment needs over the dictates of a society that rewards a strictly virtual existence can be a revolutionary act.

How Transits Can Help You Write Your Own Life Story
How do you know what transits to focus on right now, and once you have a list… What do you do with it?

Become Your Own Astrologer: Write Transit Stories with the Outer Planets
In this post, I teach you how to read transits like stories.

New Moon in Pisces: Can We Do This Later, Please?
Astrological transits are like ocean tides. Sometimes, you have to swim against the tide, even though it’s hard.

First Uranus Sextile: Love is a Revolution
Before I could find relationships that make me happy, I had to learn that they existed. This is the story of how that happened.

The Astrology of Hard Times: Learning to See in the Dark
Too many people travel through the underworld blind because they’re so determined to see the light, they refuse to learn to see in the dark.

A Shockingly Simple Journaling Practice to Boost Your Work with Transits
If you're like me, you've had this experience many times:
An astrologer suggests looking at what was happening the last time the transit happened to understand the moment, and you can’t remember.
The solution I've found is a shockingly simple journaling practice.

Stop Worrying About Your Saturn Return
Going through your Saturn return and not sure what it’s about? It doesn’t mean you’re doing it wrong.