What I Learned From a Month of Praying the Orphic Hymn to Mars
Most of the time Mars shows up in my life as, frankly, stupid shit. When I learned that praying a quick hymn on Tuesdays might improve my relationship with the red planet, I had to try it.

How to Power Up Your Sigil Magic with Astrological Symbols
Lately, I’ve been seeing a lot of people incorporating astrological symbols into their sigils. Those symbols have power of their own that can empower your sigils if you use them carefully.

7 Days of Self Care: Creating a Balanced Routine with Planetary Days
If you’re up on the latest self-care trends, you know that self care isn’t all bath bombs and shopping sprees. Sometimes self-care means doing things like creating a budget.
But knowing that you sometimes need to do the hard thing and Adult in the name of self-care isn’t enough to find balance.
How do you know when it’s time to get take-out and when you should put on a pot of lentils and eat your vegetables?