Living With a Progressed Virgo Ascendant: Confident Competence
The key to happiness for someone with a progressed Virgo ascendant is developing confident competence. This is my story.

The Most Helpful Sign for Personal Growth
Astrology’s individualized approach can help you level up your personal growth. It helps you develop an accurate model of your strengths and weaknesses, and that self-awareness helps you to zero in on the practices that will be most effective.
All of the signs can help you grow, but one sign is a particularly useful guide in your personal growth journey.

How Pisces and Virgo Can Make You More Creative
What can design thinking help astrologers understand the creative dance of Virgo and Pisces?

Progressed Virgo Ascendant: The Joy of Service
As a child, I was a bad Leo rising stereotype. Now that I’m an adult, the influence of Virgo has taught me the joy of service.

Virgo: Beauty in Simple Things
Because sometimes there are beautiful things that would exist… if only someone would give them space.