The Most Helpful Sign for Personal Growth
Over the last few years, astrology has been gaining in popularity. As humanity learns to recognize and celebrate human differences, we are realizing that advice that works for one person won't work for someone else. Naturally, we are drawn to astrology’s highly personalized view of the self that helps you navigate the life you are actually living.
Astrology’s individualized approach can help you level up your personal growth. It helps you develop an accurate model of your strengths and weaknesses, and that self-awareness helps you to zero in on the practices that will be most effective.
All of the signs can help you grow, but one sign is a particularly useful guide in your personal growth journey. That sign is Virgo.
Virgo is the sign of the analyst. It has a special talent for seeing your potential and making a plan to meet it. Virgo has a reputation for being critical, but that critical thinking ability is vital. Without the ability to see how things fail to meet the ideal, Virgo loses the ability to put them right again.
Like everything else in astrology, your relationship with Virgo is unique, so let’s look at how Virgo can help you on your personal growth journey.
Personal Growth For Your Sign
If you know it, read for your rising sign, but your sun works, too.
Aries - Your ability to act out of pure instinct is a superpower. You are actually at your best when you don’t think too hard before you act. The problem is, to do this effectively you need really solid habits. If you aren't thinking about everything you do, you're just going to go with the default, and you want to make sure that your personal default settings are really solid. The path of personal growth for you is developing daily habits that make sure that you act according to your values without having to think too hard about it.
Taurus - You are here to get as much enjoyment out of life as possible, but it's not about cheap thrills. The best pleasures feel good today, the day after, and 20 years from now. When you are happiest, you are following the path of the epicurean. Looking critically at your pleasures, ask yourself, "Does this truly make me happy?"
Gemini - You came into this world with a mouth that moves faster than your brain, but your real super power is the ability to get away with it. Not everyone can talk pure nonsense and make it sound genius, but you can get there with a little bit of effort. Getting better at running your mouth is not the growing edge for you, though. It is getting in touch with your deepest motivations. Why do you feel the need to do those verbal gymnastics in the first place? What parts of yourself are you trying to conceal behind a fog of words?
Cancer - Feeling is easy. Putting feelings into words is hard, but your personal growth journey is about learning how to communicate the river of pure feeling that runs through your heart. Why? Because we need your emotional intelligence. It is a service to others when you articulate your inner world.
Leo - The lion is the king of the jungle, but your personal development journey isn’t about learning to strut your stuff. It harkens back to an older way of understanding kingship, one in which the king earned the right to rule because of his generosity. In order to be generous, you need to have impeccable money management skills.
Virgo - I doubt it surprises you at all that personal growth is an important part of what you’re here to do. What kind of personal growth? Frankly, that’s up to you. But if you’re tempted to say, “Then I will improve everything,” I urge you to think more strategically. It is better to polish one or two skills really well than spread yourself too thin and accomplish nothing.
Libra - You have a special talent for bringing two opposing ideas into balance, and so you attract those types of conundrums to you. And here is another one. Relationships are at the core of what you are here to do. And yet, spiritual development is the area of greatest growth for you, and that kind of work requires deep solitude. Reconciling that conundrum is the work of a lifetime.
Scorpio - When I want to hear the pure, unvarnished truth without any sugar coating, I seek out a Scorpio. Your superpower is the ability to accept the difficult truth without flinching or denial. The downside of your superpower is that it makes it difficult to plan for the future. Having goals requires you to admit that you aren’t where you want to be. You are a genius at that. However, it also requires you to have faith in a future that can be better, and that doesn’t come as easily for you. The personal growth journey you are on is learning to see potential and walk with hope, without losing your vital edge.
Sagittarius - When I think of Sagittarius, the first thing that comes to mind is a mountaintop mystic looking down on the world and pondering the meaning of life. Unfortunately, you can’t live on the mountain forever. Eventually, you have to take everything you’ve learned and craft it into a mission, a gift to the world that reflects your personal philosophy. In other words, your personal growth journey is all about getting better and better at practicing what you preach.
Capricorn - Next to the definition of “discipline” in the dictionary there is a picture of a Capricorn. Once you set your mind on a goal, you are the expert of climbing whatever mountains are necessary to get there. The trouble is… not every challenge can be faced with sheer force of will. There are people out there who know how to meet those challenges more effectively, and learning from their wisdom requires breaking the routine of constant achievement and going back to school. Personal development for you means embracing being the eternal student.
Aquarius - If you ruled the world, we would all live in utopia. You know this. At some level, I think we all know it. But, as of this writing, you do not rule the world. That means that you need to be very clear about your sphere of influence. What can you control? What can’t you control? And focus on the things that are within your control. Learning serenity within your sphere of influence is at the center of your personal growth journey.
Pisces - If I had to make a list of words that least describes you, “critical” would probably be in the top ten. Your friends, though? You attract critics to you like a magnet! The reason for this is that your inner critic is part of your shadow. And the critics in your life are here to carry your shadow for you until you are strong enough to carry it for yourself.
Going Deeper
Learning about how Virgo shows up in your sign is a good guide for how to begin on your personal growth journey, but astrology has so much more to teach you about crafting a routine that works for you.
Virgo’s relationship with your sign tells you the types of activities that will help you grow. Planets in Virgo (and their relationships with the other planets in your chart) describe the parts of your life–like your relationships or motivation–that benefit from a personal growth mindset.
To learn more about your Virgo planets and the basics of interpreting your birth chart, check out my free ebook Listening to Star Song.
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