Pluto in Aquarius: Too Big to Fail, Too Inhumane to Succeed
Pluto in Aquarius shows us the structures that are too big to fail but too inhumane to succeed. Last time, the story ended with the birth of empires. This time, we are watching the last vestiges of empires collapse.

Pluto in Scorpio and Sedna in Taurus: The Scouring of the Shire
What do the hobbits at the end of The Lord of the Rings have in common with the Pluto in Scorpio (and Sedna in Taurus) generation? Quite a lot, actually.

How Pluto Transits Can Change Your Life: Reflecting on Pluto Square Pluto
Pluto transits can be life-changing, marking periods of growth, pain, and transformation. During the Pluto square, each planet that has been impacted by those Pluto transits meets up with Pluto again for “trips down memory lane,” bringing up old memories and experiences. This can be a time of healing and reflection, as we are invited to look back at the past and ask ourselves how we have healed and where we still hurt.

Psyche in the Underworld: Asteroid Psyche Conjunct Pluto
When asteroid Psyche is conjunct Pluto, Psyche is reenacting her descent to the underworld in mythic time. As we travel with her, we face our shadows, heroes, and villains.

This Liminal Year: The Astrology of 2024
Change is coming. We don’t know exactly what this change will be, but we do know that things will be different. We will not be going back to 2019. Ever again.

Wandering Stars: Plutonian Perspectives
In this episode, we talk about our experiences living with Pluto in Scorpio with special guest appearances by Uranus and Neptune.

Pluto Times, Plutonian Lives: We Are the Ghost Hunters and We Are the Ghosts
As long as we are alive, we are the only ones who can save ourselves, and ghost stories are fictions trying to teach us how.

Pluto in Capricorn and Aquarius: We Are All the Walking Wounded
How can Pluto in Capricorn and Aquarius help us build new post-pandemic lives?

The Astrology of Hard Times: Learning to See in the Dark
Too many people travel through the underworld blind because they’re so determined to see the light, they refuse to learn to see in the dark.