Once upon a time, astrology was the intellectual playground of the world’s most brilliant minds. Ptolemy, Tycho Brahe, Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler, John Dee, were fascinated by astrology because you can spend a hundred lifetimes exploring it and never come to the end of it. Around each corner, there is always a new wonder waiting to delight you.

The source of astrology’s depth is its symbolic language. Each symbol points to a web of interrelated people, things, and ideas. A web of stories as big as the sky.

Contained within that web is your story. Can you read it?

  • Read the symbolic language of astrology (planets, signs, houses, and aspects),

  • Use your natal chart to tell stories about your life,

  • Examine the stories you tell about yourself critically, releasing those that are no longer accurate and revising those you want to keep,

  • Hack your personal narrative into the map of an enchanted life.

Learn how to…

Storytelling with Astrological Symbols is for…

  • Creative people who find the mathematical side of astrology overwhelming,

  • Rational minds who are interested in reverse engineering the human psyche,

  • Poets who want to explore a universe of stellar metaphors,

  • Storytellers who want to deepen their relationships with archetypes,

  • Astrology newbies and advanced beginners who need a structured approach to learning,

  • Advanced astrologers who are looking for a synthesis of traditional and modern astrology that celebrates human difference and personal empowerment.

Storytelling with Astrological Symbols contains over 15 hours of video.

With each module you’ll get a lecture video and/or reading and a homework assignment designed to help you apply what you’ve learned to your own chart.

(Homework is optional and ungraded.)


  • Symbolic Language of Astrology

  • Planets as Psychological Functions

  • Planets as Gods: Planetary Rulership

  • Planets as Gods: Mesopotamia

  • Planets as Gods: Gender and Power

  • Signs: Elements and Modes

  • Signs: Archetypes

  • Signs: Evolutionary Intent

  • Angular Houses

  • Succedent Houses

  • Cadent Houses

  • Aspects

  • The One and the Many

  • Guest Lecture: Temperament


Join the Narrative Astrology Lab and receive lifetime access to this course

Plus live workshops from February - August 2025

Narrative Astrology Lab
Every year


  • Yes! This class is designed to take you from knowing absolutely nothing about astrology to being able to read and interpret the alphabet of astrology (planets, signs, houses, and aspects.)

  • This course is hosted on Google Classroom, which is free for anyone with a Google account.

    Classroom runs on Android, iOS, or any browser.

  • No, you get immediate access to all of the course materials, so I cannot offer refunds.

  • As long as Google continues supporting Google Classroom. (So far, it has been 10 years and counting.)

Narrative Astrology I Graduates say…

  • “Storytelling is an ancient human technology to transmit knowledge. Narrative Astrology drops any unnecessary memorization or painful math in favor of discovering the cliff notes to the story of your life, as told by the stars. I learned more than I ever expected to in Narrative Astrology I - both about astrology as a system and myself as a person."

    Lanya Fuldi

  • "I loved Narrative Astrology I. I'm a practicing astrologer and I learned a few things! Ada presented concepts from both traditional and "modern" astrology with crystal clarity and tropes that make the building blocks of astrology easy to remember. If learning astrology basics seems overwhelming, I really recommend that you try this class. You will come away with a clear understanding of the basic moving parts and how they work together."

    Susan Rossi

  • "I wish I had Ada's introductory course to Narrative Astrology at the beginning of my astrology journey. It elegantly and cohesively combines concepts from both modern & traditional astrology, giving the student a well-rounded introduction to the art of chart reading. Ada's unique, narrative-driven approach encourages creativity, playfulness, and critical thinking, showing you how to use the symbols in your birth chart to become the writer and the hero of your own story."

    Tristan Paylor