Every day, the ordinary world whispers to you that magic isn’t real. Adventures are for people like Frodo Baggins. Your life is doomed to be tedious and boring. And there is nothing you can do to change any of it.
The ordinary world is wrong.
Astrologers, storytellers, neuroscientists and witches know that an enchanted world is something you make. It can be in the air you breathe. Right now.
And finding a magical life doesn’t require you to sell all your belongings and buy a camper van.
Yes! You do not need any experience with astrology to get the most out of this class.
I use Google Classroom to host the course and distribute course materials. Classroom requires you to have a Google account (Gmail address) to use it.
You can access Google Classroom on any computer or mobile device.
(There are even apps for Android and iOS!)
When you sign up for the course, you will receive invitations to Google Classroom in your welcome e-mail.
Journaling is an important part of the class. To participate, all you need is something to write with.
Guided journals will be given out as printable PDFs (8.5x11). If you like to write by hand, I suggest printing out the journals and keeping them in a binder (or binder alternative like TUL).
Books will be recommended to go deeper with the material, but they are not required.
You receive immediate access to all the course materials, so, no, I do not offer refunds.
As Google is willing to keep Google Classroom going. (It just celebrated its 10 year anniversary.)