Elise Claes

Elise is a trauma-informed somatic therapist from Belgium. She is currently researching the astrology of neurodiversity and teaches workshops on a wide range of subjects.

Education & Certifications

  • Praktische psychologie, centrum van afstandsonderwijs België (Practical psychology, center of education, Belgium)

  • Bibliotheekwezen en informatiebeheer, Encora Antwerpen (library studies and information mediation, Encora Antwerp)

  • Certificaten basis seksuologie, Kaat Bollen, Ladiesnight NL (certificates basic sexology by Kaat Bollen, Ladiesnight, the Netherlands)

  • Storytelling With Astrological Symbols with Ada Pembroke (Certificate of Completion)

  • Reading Stories in a Natal Chart with Ada Pembroke (Certificate of Completion)