Elise Claes
Elise is a trauma-informed somatic therapist from Belgium. She is currently researching the astrology of neurodiversity and teaches workshops on a wide range of subjects.
Education & Certifications
Praktische psychologie, centrum van afstandsonderwijs België (Practical psychology, center of education, Belgium)
Bibliotheekwezen en informatiebeheer, Encora Antwerpen (library studies and information mediation, Encora Antwerp)
Certificaten basis seksuologie, Kaat Bollen, Ladiesnight NL (certificates basic sexology by Kaat Bollen, Ladiesnight, the Netherlands)
Storytelling With Astrological Symbols with Ada Pembroke (Certificate of Completion)
Reading Stories in a Natal Chart with Ada Pembroke (Certificate of Completion)
Lecture Recordings