How Pluto Transits Can Change Your Life: Reflecting on Pluto Square Pluto
Pluto transits can be life-changing, marking periods of growth, pain, and transformation. During the Pluto square, each planet that has been impacted by those Pluto transits meets up with Pluto again for “trips down memory lane,” bringing up old memories and experiences. This can be a time of healing and reflection, as we are invited to look back at the past and ask ourselves how we have healed and where we still hurt.

Taurus in the Age of Pluto in Aquarius
Even when Jupiter and Uranus leave Taurus, we will need some people to continue wearing lead shoes. Some of us need to visit the cemeteries, keep the physical archives, and relish the smell of the good earth in spring. We need people who will remember that we need to eat physical food sometimes, that we can’t live on data and air.
As a Taurus, I suppose one of those grumpy, earthy people is going to be me.

Natural Rulers of the 8th and 12th Houses: Where are Mars and Jupiter?
On the surface, this may seem like a technical debate for late nights at the bar at astrology conferences, but mapping traditional rulerships onto the houses has practical ramifications for how we interpret houses. The traditional planets add nuance, but they also bring the 8th and 12th houses down to earth, teaching us how to cope with some of life’s most difficult territory.

What Is Narrative Astrology?
Narrative Astrology is a framework for identifying the unconscious stories that you use to interpret the world around you. It can help you evaluate those stories to see if they fit, repair stories that have become dysfunctional, and make good stories true.

Is Chiron the Wounded Healer or the Gifted Teacher?
There is more to Chiron than the wounded healer archetype, but it would be a mistake to diminish the wound to the point that he is no longer the wounded healer.

You Also Are Psyche: Beauty and the Shadow Self
“You also are Psyche.” Those words still make me cry... 25 years after I first heard them.

Astrology as Brain Candy
I had always been told that astrology was fundamentally based on fantasy. Night sky as Rorschach test: Humanity looked at the stars and told stories about the shapes we found there. This story is true, but it isn’t the whole story.

Building an Astrology Practice You Love
If you are going to take the risk of working for yourself, you should build a practice that actually makes you happy.

How Astrology Helped Me When I Was Lost
I was a novelist struggling to write my second novel. I was a 27 year-old struggling to get my life together. Astrology helped me with both.

This Liminal Year: The Astrology of 2024
Change is coming. We don’t know exactly what this change will be, but we do know that things will be different. We will not be going back to 2019. Ever again.

New Moon in Capricorn: Musing on Dark Ages
The Dark Ages are a useful myth to help us understand the New Moon in Capricorn, darkest moon in the darkest season.

Ask Ada: Can You Have a Yod Involving Chiron?
Can you have a yod in your chart that includes Chiron?

Ask Ada: Which Asteroids Are Most Important?
There are thousands of asteroids. How do you get started working with them in your natal chart?

Ask Ada: How Do I Create a Character with Astrology?
I’ve been trying for a long time to create myself as a fantasy character (think Dungeons & Dragons).

Ask Ada: What Is the Descendent?
How do you work with the descendent in your natal chart? What can the descendent teach you about relationships?

Mercury in Taurus: Building a Second Brain
Taurus is an uncomfortable place for Mercury in the modern world because it is forced to slow down. So, how do we cope?

Rethinking Chiron
I no longer see Chiron as the Wounded Healer. The wound is only a small part of the Chiron story. Meditating on the rest of his story has made my view of Chiron so much richer… and brought massive healing, as well.

Mercury in Aries: A Writing Practice Without Routine
You would think a person with a Taurus sun and three Aries placements would be an expert at getting Aries and Taurus to work together. What I've learned, however, is that often I have absolutely no idea whether an Aries scheme is genius or unrealistic until I’ve fully committed to the idea.

Living with the Lunar Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio: A Conversation with Astrologer Carrie Clough
In this conversation, we talk about what it’s like living with the nodes of the moon in Taurus and Scorpio, especially when the nodes are transiting those signs.

Living with the South Node in Scorpio
"Did you know," my partner said, "you never talk about your childhood? I know almost nothing about it."
Until that moment, I had no idea I'd drawn a line across my biography.