Taurus in the Age of Pluto in Aquarius
Even when Jupiter and Uranus leave Taurus, we will need some people to continue wearing lead shoes. Some of us need to visit the cemeteries, keep the physical archives, and relish the smell of the good earth in spring. We need people who will remember that we need to eat physical food sometimes, that we can’t live on data and air.
As a Taurus, I suppose one of those grumpy, earthy people is going to be me.

Mercury in Taurus: Building a Second Brain
Taurus is an uncomfortable place for Mercury in the modern world because it is forced to slow down. So, how do we cope?

Living with the Lunar Nodes in Taurus and Scorpio: A Conversation with Astrologer Carrie Clough
In this conversation, we talk about what it’s like living with the nodes of the moon in Taurus and Scorpio, especially when the nodes are transiting those signs.

Uranus in Taurus: What Is the Price of Freedom?
How much are your values and your freedom worth to you? How much do you have to be paid to give them up?

Taurus Season: Let Me Find Peace
In his Book of Earth, Steven Forrest talks about the Taurus need to get your peace foot forward. I have been learning about that first hand during Taurus season this year.

Uranus in Taurus: Finding the Courage to Just Be
The digitization of human connection during the pandemic has created a situation where having Taurus-like relationships that put individual embodiment needs over the dictates of a society that rewards a strictly virtual existence can be a revolutionary act.

A Skeptical Taurus's Path to Laziness... And Evolutionary Astrology
As an astrologer, I feel like I should cringe at the injustice when I read harsh critiques of the discipline, but I don’t. I remember what my first real encounter with astrology was like, and I marvel that I ever came to take astrology seriously at all.