Saturn-Neptune Conjunction: Let's Do Real Magic
Lately, when I look at the magical scene, I feel a lot of despair. Magic is everywhere, and magic is nowhere. The marketplace is full of snake oil salesmen selling bottles of greed. I am so disgusted that I spend more time than I should looking up at the sky and trying to figure out which planet is most likely to come in like a storm and sweep it all away… with Real Magic.

The Joys of Saturn: Why Aging Is Easier for Saturn and Capricorn People
Saturn and Capricorn have a harder time in youth but an easier time aging, because they learn important lessons about limitations and boundaries early in life.

What Does Adulting Mean to You According to Astrology?
We need a better story of what it means to come of age that fits the world we actually live in, and there is no bigger expert on adulting than Saturn.

Mercury and Saturn (Aspects and Transits): Writing Practice as a Spiritual Discipline
If you have an aspect between Mercury and Saturn in your natal chart or you are going through a transit, progression, or profection year involving those planets, you might benefit from a writing practice.

The Astrology of Turning 36: When You Really, Finally Feel Grownup
Indian astrologers say that Saturn comes of age at 36 years old. What does that look like from the inside?

Stop Worrying About Your Saturn Return
Going through your Saturn return and not sure what it’s about? It doesn’t mean you’re doing it wrong.