My 12th house Profection Year... 3 Years Later
By the time I reached my 12th house year in my 30s, I was darkly glad that I would never have children. All the better for my theoretical children to have another mother better equipped for the job. During my 12th house year, my opinion of myself changed.

Lessons From My 1st House Profection Year: Unknown New Beginnings, Wandering in the Dark
At 36 years old, I have lived through four 1st house profection years, and I have learned from repeated hard experience that the transition from a 12th house year to a 1st house year is messy.

12th House Profection Year: It's Time to Let Go and Start a New Life
12th house profection years are all about dissolving old identities so that you can step into new ones. Astrologers tend to focus on the ways that can be a traumatic experience, but when you have built your identity around an idea that is false and doesn’t serve you, 12th house experiences can be liberating.

5 Lessons From My 12th House Profection Year
My 12th house profection year is almost over. I feel like I have reached the top of a tall mountain, and I am surveying the terrain I’ve traveled. Since I am in a reflective mood, I thought I’d share some of the lessons I’ve learned.