Narrative Astrology Is a Summoning Spell for Stories
Astrology isn’t a weird occult discipline that talks about stars. It is actually a box that contains every single thing in the universe.

Astrology is subjective… and that’s why I love it
Everything we say about astrology is a story. Every interpretation is an artifact of a moment in time, created by a person who is a creature of that moment. Every astrologer is a person like you and me with wisdom and wounds, talents and flaws.

Astrology for the Present
What if the hope–or even the joy–we need isn’t waiting for us in a future that never becomes the present? What if this is the moment we can step into, not perfection, but “books made of blue sky” or “terrible marvels?”

Astrology at the End of the World
Perhaps, astrology can help us find a balance between the language of the head and the heart, and in that balance we can travel more hopefully into the dark.

What Is Narrative Astrology?
Narrative Astrology is a framework for identifying the unconscious stories that you use to interpret the world around you. It can help you evaluate those stories to see if they fit, repair stories that have become dysfunctional, and make good stories true.