Psyche in the Underworld: Asteroid Psyche Conjunct Pluto
When asteroid Psyche is conjunct Pluto, Psyche is reenacting her descent to the underworld in mythic time. As we travel with her, we face our shadows, heroes, and villains.

You Also Are Psyche: Beauty and the Shadow Self
“You also are Psyche.” Those words still make me cry... 25 years after I first heard them.

What is the Purpose of Mythology?: Seeds of Hope in Cupid and Psyche
A myth plants a seed of desire that grows quietly in the unconscious, urging us to make it real. It does this by introducing us to characters that we relate to and putting them in scenarios that give us instructions for how to manifest the things we desire in our lives for ourselves.

The Challenges of Night Sect People in a Day Sect World
Over the centuries, the myth of Cupid and Psyche has been seen as an allegory for many different sets of values. I see it as a metaphor for the trials of the moon ruled.