Cancer in the 12th House: Cruise Control
astrology Ada Pembroke astrology Ada Pembroke

Cancer in the 12th House: Cruise Control

I am writing this at the end of Gemini season. I am still in the flurry of intellectual energy, but I can see Cancer coming like a stop sign at the end of a highway. I still have energy, but my body is telling me that I need to downshift and slow down soon, or I am going to crash.

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Natural Rulers of the 8th and 12th Houses: Where are Mars and Jupiter?
astrology Ada Pembroke astrology Ada Pembroke

Natural Rulers of the 8th and 12th Houses: Where are Mars and Jupiter?

On the surface, this may seem like a technical debate for late nights at the bar at astrology conferences, but mapping traditional rulerships onto the houses has practical ramifications for how we interpret houses. The traditional planets add nuance, but they also bring the 8th and 12th houses down to earth, teaching us how to cope with some of life’s most difficult territory.

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Venus in the 12th House: Why It’s Time to Find Pleasure in Solitude
astrology Ada Pembroke astrology Ada Pembroke

Venus in the 12th House: Why It’s Time to Find Pleasure in Solitude

The day Venus moved into my 12th house was one of those high-drama days. I felt like I was made of glass. Every social interaction felt like it left a chip or a crack. Issues with my social circle that I had been coping with adequately for months boiled over all at once. ⁠

Venus is supposed to be a benefic planet, so it was surprising to experience a Venus transit that way. ⁠

One of the qualities of the benefics, however, is that they try to improve whatever they touch.

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