Last Day to Register for Renegades Unleashed

Today is the last day to register for Renegades Unleashed: Unlocking Your Inner Rebel with Astrological Uranus.⁠

In this 6 week workshop, we'll learn about Uranus in astrology, the element of fire, and we will be getting to know the Prometheus archetype (the part of you that steals fire from the gods.)⁠

You don't have to know anything about astrology to take this class. All you need to know is your birthday. ⁠

The workshop is asynchronous (you don't have to be anywhere at a particular time) and takes place in text chat on Discord.⁠

Workshop Schedule

Week 1: Uranus and Prometheus in Myth - Who are they? Why are we talking about Prometheus in a workshop on astrological Uranus? (With a guided meditation to meet Prometheus himself!)⁠

Week 2: Firestarters - We'll learn how to recognize people who are extra promethean. I call them Firestarters. You'll get to put together your own pantheon of Firestarter heroes.⁠

Week 3: The Gift of Fire - What special gift of genius does your generation have, and how does that gift appear in your life? ⁠

Week 4: How to Start a Fire - We'll talk about fire as motivation, and we'll work with a Tarot spread designed to help you relight your fire when you're just not feeling it.⁠

Week 5: Fire Safety - What do you do when you are in a time of life when you are called to be promethean. How do you play with fire without getting burned? ⁠

Week 6: Fire Season - When is the Prometheus archetype particularly active in your life, and how do you plan ahead? ⁠

To register, buy a copy of the workbook, and you'll be given instructions to get to the Discord server and a password to say when you get there, speakeasy style.⁠

Let's get our fires started!⁠

Ada Pembroke

Ada Pembroke is a consulting astrologer, founder of the Narrative Astrology Lab, and author of Leo Risings Guide to World Domination and The Gods of Time Are Dead. You can find her on Instagram @adapembroke.


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