January’s Astrology Workshops
I will be facilitating two astrology workshops on Discord this month.
Both workshops include a workbook that you can work through on your own, or you can participate in community discussion and get help interpreting your chart on the workshop Discord servers.
Achievement Unlocked: Exploring Productivity and Purpose with Saturn
Dates: January 6 - February 3, 2021
Cost: Sliding Scale ($15 minimum, $25+ funds a scholarship for the workshop)
Registration: Ko-fi
There's a difference between working hard and feeling productive. Productivity feels great, but let's be honest... Most of the time, checking things off your to do list doesn't make you feel productive. It just makes you feel a little less harassed and a little more dead inside.
The personal productivity space is full of products that will help you maximize your efficiency, but speed is nothing without purpose. And purpose looks different for everyone. For some, the most meaningful accomplishments are related to home and family. Others feel the most pride in their creative or career accomplishments. Trying to feel productive while doing things that don't feel purposeful for you is a recipe for drudgery and frustration.
In Achievement Unlocked, you will work with astrological Saturn to figure out what activities actually make you feel most productive. This workshop will help you tell the difference between work that is purposeful and tasks that just check boxes, and it will help you make a plan for acting with purpose over the next three years.
Saturn return people, this workshop is for you!
Moon Mood Workshop
Dates: January 18 - February 14, 2021
Cost: Sliding Scale ($15 minimum, $25+ funds a scholarship for the workshop)
Registration: Ko-fi
One of the most useful astrological practices I've found is also one of the most simple: Following the moon through the signs and paying attention to how I feel.
The moon is the planet that rules your feelings and subjective experience. Just like the mood pulls on the ocean and creates the tides, the astrological moon filters the way you (and the people around you) see reality. These filters create the tides of emotional weather that influence the world around you every day.
Keeping track of the moon’s movements through the signs is the perfect way to understand how your mood is being influenced by the emotional weather.
After a month or two of work tracking the moon through the signs, you will become more self-aware. You will be better able to tell the difference between your feelings and the feelings of people around you, and you will be able to plan your work and play around your moods.